seminars & workshops

I bring quality-in-foresight techniques and their practical decision implications to senior management via seminars, workshops and executive short courses. These are closely woven to real-world situations and company priorities.

1. Seminars and speaking events

These are content-led sessions that deliver applied insights on macro and industry changes, and their implications for leadership choices. They are designed for industry conferences or strategy sessions and planning retreats.

2. Future-orientation workshops

Here we roll up our sleeves in-house and work to create future-informed pathways to guide strategy and innovation to compete in markets of tomorrow.

3. Premortem

This is a session that assesses an impending leadership decision from all sides, figuring what could go wrong – before it does. It gets the post-mortem done while there is still time to change outcomes.

4. Executive short courses

(Guide to topics; adapted to client situation. Delivered on-site or online)

a. Strategic Foresight, tools, methods and perspectives of industry and strategic foresight. Topics: Horizon scanning; trend tracking; cognitive biases; forecast filtering; systems thinking; risk management; scenario planning; navigating complexity; ideation and design thinking; integrating resources; strategy formation; product and service evolution; business model innovation; foresight and company culture 

b. Scenario Planning and strategic renewal. Topics: horizon scanning; trend tracking; issue recognition; management paradigms; levels of uncertainty; adaptive scenarios, advocacy scenarios; building scenarios; from scenarios to strategy. In longer versions (4-days) delegates develop scenarios as a primary learning activity

c. Systems Thinking, a course focused on principles of systems dynamics, non-linear causality and using systems analysis to anticipate complex outcomes and overcome recalcitrant problems. Topics: Principles of systems thinking; causal loop diagrams; feedback effects; systems archetypes; systems intervention; systems-based strategy formation.

d. Design Thinking and Innovation, teaching the principles of design thinking and rapid prototyping for product and service advancement. Normally applied to live in-progress innovation situation.Topics: Principles of design; formalist approaches to creativity; ideation; productivity of limits; user analysis; prototyping and renewal; design-based innovation; design and strategy formation.